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Coronavirus FAQs: Other common questions

No, WHO says, coronavirus can’t survive for very long on inanimate objects under variable temperature and route and, hence, people receiving posts and packages from China are not at risk of contracting the coronavirus.

The CDC has recommended to avoid travelling to People’s Republic of China. The US Department of State issued Level 4 travel advisory, which means advice against traveling to China.

Public Health Authorities are screening suspected individuals with coronavirus infection regularly, in case of any symptom. They will be monitored for 14 days since last exposure, after which they will be considered risk-free.

In case of unavoidable travel to China, the CDC recommends to avoid contacting with sick people, plan your travel to China with healthcare professionals, avoid animal and animal products and markets, and wash your hands frequently with soap.

Pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 can deliver healthy babies without infection by taking proper isolation practices and care during and after childbirth, says Wei Zhang, associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. The results may not be true for early-stage pregnancies, however, Wei Zhang adds.

No report on the effect of COVID-19 on breast milk is available currently. The UNICEF recommends coronavirus-infected mothers to breastfeed after consulting with healthcare providers to understand the unknown risks.