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Showing 20 results out of 103

How to combat vaccine hesitancy in the age of Covid-19

Multiple Covid-19 vaccine projects worldwide are looking promising, and mammoth efforts are being made to gather all the glass vials and storage equipment needed to inoculate as many people as possible – but could the scourge of vaccine hesitancy hinder this effort? Chloe Kent examines why anti-vaxxers may resist a Covid-19 vaccine, and what can be done about it.

How could vaccine hesitancy affect the prevalence of hearing disorders?

Hearing disorders are a common cause of disability and affect an estimated 14% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). These disorders may occur from birth or gradually develop over the course of life. Factors that can increase a person’s susceptibility to hearing disorders include genetic predispositions, advanced age, frequent exposure to loud noises and some infectious diseases.

WIRED Health:Tech 2020: challenges facing Covid-19 vaccines

WIRED Health:Tech was held online for its 2020 edition due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. Because of the domination of the viral pandemic this year and the need for solutions, Covid-19 vaccines were a major theme of the conference. Speakers from academia and industry spoke about the progress made, as well as the enduring challenges around access and public confidence to bring this pandemic to an end.