
Triadelta Partners is a consultancy company that designs, develops and delivers solutions for research and development (R&D) projects in biomedicine.

We provide a range of scientific, medical and business consultancy services related to pharmaceutical and medical device R&D.

Triadelta Partners is experienced in drug discovery, translational science, preclinical development and clinical development. We are also skilled in pharma businesses such as R&D management, business development, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), strategic alliances, and investor relationships.

Before establishing Triadelta, Dr Spaventi was a Galapagos SVP, GlaxoSmithKline VP, CEDD Head & Research Centre Zagreb CEO, Odyssey Pharmaceuticals CSO, and Pliva Board Member, CSO & Research Institute CEO.
Triadelta founders have collaborated with industry, academia, CROs and non-profit organisations worldwide, as well as managed R&D sites and teams in Croatia, Czech Republic, France, India, Poland, UK and US.
Before establishing Triadelta, Dr Orešković was a Galapagos VP R&D Interface, GlaxoSmithKline CPDM Director, and Pliva business and product development director and clinical research director.
OSTEOproSPINE consortium was awarded a €6 million EU grant to advance the treatment of degenerative disc disease by permanent stabilisation of lumbar vertebrae through formation of extra-skeletal bone.

R&D consultancy: From target validation to proof-of-concept

Utilising our expertise in pharmaceutical R&D, Triadelta Partners provide advice and assistance in transforming therapeutic concepts into tangible R&D assets. To achieve this, we help to create an effective product vision and develop a fit-for-purpose R&D strategy and project plan towards the vision.

We ensure that at each project stage, the plan reflects key requirements for successful development of novel treatment (proof-of-concept, developability and differentiation) and includes checkpoints with predefined acceptance criteria.

For ongoing projects, we offer an independent scientific review and advice on the recommended direction or corrective actions, as well as the assistance in outsourcing of project-related activities. While we are experienced in therapeutic areas infection, inflammation and oncology, our skills extend to areas such as respiratory, gastrointestinal, dermatology, haematology and musculoskeletal.

Clinical trial design services

Clinical trial design is one of Triadelta Partners’ core capabilities.

We have extensive experience in protocol development for clinical studies of drugs and medical devices, both in patients and healthy volunteers.

In addition to classic clinical pharmacology, and efficacy and safety studies, this also includes the biomarker development studies, bioequivalence studies, experimental medicine studies, and clinical evaluation of novel diagnostic tests.

We can further assist a client in the creation of the overall clinical development strategy and plan, the safety risk mitigation strategy and plan, the advisory board set-up and management. This also includes clinical trial outsourcing, which comprises identification, engagement and overseeing of contract research organisations (CROs) and other service providers.

Business development strategies

Leveraging on a unique blend of senior management experience across Big Pharma, Mid Pharma and Biotech, Triadelta Partners creates a fit-for-purpose business development strategy for a client and execute it using our business development expertise.

With respect to licensing, partnering, or corporate transactions, we either conduct scientific due diligence or assist in data room creation, as well as create teasers, corporate information materials and business plans.

We also identify and approach potential partners or investors, moderate discussions between the parties, facilitate mutual understanding, and support contract negotiations.

R&D management consultancy services

Triadelta Partners has a track record in leading and managing the top-class international life sciences R&D organisations and teams.

Experienced in mergers, acquisitions and strategic transformations, we provide valuable advice and knowledge related to a range of applications. These include corporate R&D strategy and leadership, project and portfolio management, technology transfers, streamlining / optimisation of R&D systems and processes, mergers, restructuring of R&D organisations, change management, and investor relations.

Support to academic research consortia

Triadelta Partners qualifies for a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) status and is open for partnerships in research consortia supported by the EU or other research grants.

Our involvement will enrich the academic consortium with industry experience and ensure that key elements of the pharmaceutical R&D process are addressed in the proposal and adequately budgeted.

Your consortium will further benefit from our project management and business development expertise, which are critical for the successful delivery of the project and subsequent commercial exploitation of results.

About Triadelta Partners

Triadelta Partners has gathered expertise from senior management positions in leading pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Galapagos and Pliva.

Based on our capabilities, scientific excellence, integrity, out-of-box thinking, flexibility and a trusted collaborative network, we are confident that Triadelta Partners can support you in an effective and affordable manner.

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