
In the Louvre, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa hangs in a glass display case preserved from the effects of time and the environment.

In 2005, it was discovered that condensation was degrading Da Vinci’s portrait. The painting was moved to a new case, a tightly controlled microclimate maintained at 21°C and 50% humidity.

The new bullet-proof, non-reflective display case was tailored to preserve the painting, as was the lighting and air treatment system.

The Louvre installed two Vaisala HMT333 temperature and humidity transmitters to monitor conditions inside the case. Devices share the display case with the portrait, hidden from view, to ensure conditions are maintained.

Although the painting is one of the most valuable works of art, the Mona Lisa is uninsured. Considered priceless, there is no way to set a value any insurer could underwrite.

This is not the first time Vaisala devices have safeguarded irreplaceable assets.

In 2009, a large ophthalmology research center lost a significant amount of donated eye tissue during infrastructure downtime that caused several refrigeration units to fail.

Soon after, the Vaisala Continuous Monitoring System (CMS) was installed.

Facility staff receive immediate alerts if sensors lose communication due to network downtime or power outage. Research conducted at this facility has identified new therapies for degenerative diseases of the eye.