
This year Interphex takes place 17-19 March at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

Micromeritics, located in booth 426, will be introducing some of the latest developments in material characterization instrumentation. This year’s exhibition presents a great opportunity to get a look at a variety of new instruments available from Micromeritics, as well as the opportunity to speak personally with our technical and sales associates.

The Gemini VII 2390 series

The Gemini VII 2390 series surface area analyzers rapidly and reliably produce accurate and repeatable surface area and porosity results. Their low cost, small footprint, speed, accuracy, simplicity of use, reliability and ruggedness have earned the Gemini series a reputation as an ideal tool for research and quality control environments. The Gemini VII series permits low to high surface area measurements without requiring exotic gases such as argon or krypton.

The Gemini VII 2390 is available in three model options. The Gemini VII 2390a is ideal for rapid and accurate surface area determinations. It also provides standard methods for single-point and multipoint BET and Langmuir surface areas, total pore volume, micropore analysis by the t-method and much more. The Gemini VII 2390p provides additional precision with the addition of a saturation pressure tube allowing the user to monitor the saturation pressure of the adsorptive on a continuous basis. The instrument is designed to provide a rapid measurement of the adsorption isotherm. The Gemini VII 2390t has all the capability of the 2390p with the additional ability to perform a BJH or Dollimore-Heal pore size distribution using both adsorption and desorption isotherms of up to 1,000 points. This instrument also features a saturation pressure tube as well as a larger Dewar and longer sample tubes for extended analysis. All models can be operated stand alone or connected to a computer running Micromeritics’ Gemini VII Windows® software, greatly expanding data reduction and reporting capabilities.

The TriStar II 3020

The TriStar II 3020 surface area and porosity analyzer is a fully automated, three-station analyzer that can measure surface areas as low as 0.01m²/g using nitrogen, and features a new krypton option that can measure surface areas down to 0.001m²/g. A dedicated saturation pressure port is standard, allowing the user to measure the saturation pressure on a continuous basis. The TriStar II can collect up to 1,000 data points. Minute details of the isotherm can be observed and recorded providing high resolution and revealing pore structure details. A 2.75L Dewar and extended length sample tubes allow complete adsorption and desorption isotherms to be collected without operator intervention. Enhanced product support features include video clips, Ethernet communication between the computer and TriStar II, bar code reader capability, built-in electronic test points and diagnostic software, and the ability to read and compare historical TriStar and Gemini data to TriStar II data.

The Particle Insight

Micromeritics’ first product addition under its Particulate Systems brand is the new Particle Insight dynamic image analyzer. The Particle Insight is ideal for applications where the shape, not just the diameter, of raw materials is critical to the performance of the final product. The Particle Insight offers up to 28 different shape parameters analyzed in real-time in either aqueous or organic solvent suspensions. The system operates in a range suitable for a wide variety of industrial, biological and geological specimens from 3µm up to 300µm in its standard configuration.

Its unique recirculating sample module and precision optics are designed to acquire and report statistically valid measurements quickly, an essential quality control capability in many manufacturing processes. Particle Insight features include the ability to track sample shape changes over time as well as the capability to store a collection of particle images. The user also has the option of viewing only those particle images that meet any combination of the analyzer’s 28 shape parameters.

Clean up mercury spills with Micromeritics’ compact, low-cost Mercury QuikVac.

For many years, mercury has been used in a number of products, processes and laboratory operations. Mercury is universally regarded as a hazardous material. Health and safety regulations require that anywhere mercury is used, a means of managing spillage and human exposure must be provided. Micromeritics’ Mercury QuikVac is an excellent low-cost alternative for quickly containing mercury spills. The instrument is capable of collecting liquid mercury droplets and mercury-contaminated particulate matter. Its compact size and light weight make it ideal for laboratory applications. A replaceable 0.3–0.5 micron activated carbon filter traps mercury vapors and exhausts clean, safe air. The instrument also includes a large capacity 250mL recovery bottle.

For more information about these and other Micromeritics products, visit our website.