
Micromeritics introduces the TriStar II 3020, a fully automated, three-station surface area and porosity analyser capable of increasing the speed and efficiency of quality control analyses with the accuracy, resolution and data reduction to meet most research requirements. The three analysis ports operate simultaneously and independently of one another. For additional throughput, four TriStars can be operated with one computer. The speed and accuracy of the Tristar II make it an ideal instrument for a wide variety of applications that include pharmaceuticals, catalysts, carbon, cosmetics, paints, pigments, geoscience, fuel cells, high-tech ceramics and much more.

The new TriStar II features a dedicated Po port, allowing the measurement of saturation pressure on a continuous basis. A 2.75L Dewar and extended length sample tubes allow complete adsorption and desorption isotherms to be collected without operator intervention. The TriStar II can collect up to 1,000 data points. Fine details of the isotherm can be observed and recorded providing high resolution and revealing pore structure details. The instrument also features a krypton option, allowing precise measurements in the very low surface area range.

The TriStar II also combines versatility in analysis methods, data reduction and reporting to allow the user to optimise analyses to specific applications. Reports include adsorption and desorption isotherms, BET surface area, mesopore pore size and area distributions, statistical process control (SPC), new isotherm and thickness models, isosteric heat of adsorption and integrated DFT models. For applications that fall under FDA’s 21CFR11 rule, the TriStar’s confirm™ software option provides the security features and audit trails required by this regulation.

In addition, a comprehensive set of product support features includes: video clips, Ethernet communication between the computer and TriStar II, bar code reader capability, built-in electronic test points and diagnostic software, ability to perform remote diagnostics via the internet and the ability to read and compare historical Micromeritics’ TriStar and Gemini surface area analyser data to TriStar II data.