
Custom Sensors & Technology has recently applied the LED light-induced fluorescence sensor, the LIF sensor, to cleaning validation. After extensive application studies and the evaluation of market interest, Custom Sensors & Technology applied the LIF sensor to cleaning validation applications, saving both energy and capital.

Currently, the cleaning validation process in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments is a time-consuming and expensive process requiring several steps, including laboratory analysis. By applying the recently deployed at-line light-induced fluorescence sensor, real-time monitoring of the cleaning process is achieved. Time required for a production decision can be reduced and leads to an increased plant throughput.

The LIF sensor enables manufacturers to build quality into the process, utilizing QbD to the fullest extent. The LIF sensor is a small, lightweight sensor that is self-contained and easily transported. Features include a UV-vis LED array, multiple powering options, and an open communication protocol. With a robust sensor platform and enhanced diagnostic capabilities, analytical merits include an exceptionally low limit of detection, superior sensitivity, and large dynamic range. The versatile sample interface allows for measurement of rinsate samples during cleaning as well as direct swab or surface analysis. Custom Sensors & Technology is currently conducting application studies relating to the emergence of fluorescence for process cleaning validation.

The LIF sensor will be featured at both the 2011 IFPAC and Interphex shows. As a valuable new process-analytical technology (PAT) tool, the LIF sensor enables manufacturers to build quality into the cleaning process. Along with quality comes a decrease in product waste as well as reduced labor and energy costs, making the LIF sensor an economically attractive solution for all fluorescence applications.