Bioassay GmbH is running acute toxicity and skin sensitization studies under GLP for the chemical and cosmetic industry.

Bioassay GmbH was recently chosen by the European Commission Joint Research Centre to participate in a project whose aim is to deliver validated alternative methods/strategies for skin sensitisation testing to be used by chemical and cosmetic industries for the safety assessment of products. We worked in close contact with multinational companies as well as the European Commission Joint Research Centre for the initial assessment of two of those tests involving flow-cytometry methods.

Standardized assay methods for chemical and cosmetic products safety are provided for

Acute toxicity

  • OECD 402 (Dermal toxicity)
  • OECD 404 (Dermal Irritation)
  • OECD 405 (Eye Irritation)
  • OECD 423 (Oral toxicity)
  • Toxicity-Prediction (BALB/c 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Cytotoxicity Test)