Technical centre and process consultancy

Milling, grinding, crushing, micronising, nanomilling, sieving, de-agglomerating are all terms synonymous with particle size reduction, but most significantly, they are all part of material science. During more than 75 years, the name Frewitt has been associated with quality milling equipment, notably in the pharmaceutical, food and fine chemical industries.

Today, no other company in the world offers a programme of solid material size reduction from the meter to nanometre, which stems from Frewitt’s commitment to understanding material science. The immense diversity of materials used in the industry offers an equally diverse pallet of combined material characteristics, each offering unique challenges and requiring different size reduction methods if a material is to be milled to a specific result while preserving the active properties.

New Technical Center with unparalleled consultancy services

In its objective to offer customers its mastery of material processing, deliver the highest quality machines and unparalleled process consultancy services, Frewitt has equipped itself with a new Technical Center, boasting cutting-edge, high-tech laboratories, using the most advanced analytical equipment available.

Benefitting from one of the most extensive ranges of milling and sieving equipment in the world, Frewitt can offer an optimal particle size reduction solution; dedicated to providing our customers and partners with the best process. Final machine execution is only the means to an end. As a result, customers often leave the Technical Center with a solution different than they expected upon their arrival but reassured that Frewitt acts as an advocate for their optimal process.

Our Technical Center, located within the confines of our campus, enables us to host (physically or virtually via streaming service) our clients and partners. We offer all of our sizing equipment, as well as a vast array of infrastructure modules, allowing us to simulate product flow processes, whether they currently exist, or are foreseen in the future at the customer site. We ensure all participants have their due diligence required, whether it be for internal quality assurance or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.

Development programmes and institutional training

Our qualified staff of process engineers, chemists, and laboratory technicians will be able to advise and provide you with their expertise throughout the testing process. In addition to product testing, many customers benefit from process development programmes, in which Frewitt and customers develop together new procedures and improve existing processes to enhance the quality of the products. Customers’ intellectual property remains fully protected.

We take great pride and pleasure in collaboration with institutions of higher learning, university pharmaceutical faculties, national health institutions, as well as foundations, and other non-profit organisations (NPOs) engaged in research. Frewitt offers seminars and training to institutions, as well as research and development (R&D) organisations to ensure that equipment and process expertise benefits customers, partners, and consequentially, patients and consumers.

Technical Center for product analysis and distribution

Ranging from our lab-scaled machines, carrying out batch tests, to our most extensive, production-scaled installations, our Technical Center allows us to simulate your milling ‘in real scenarios. Our wide range of machines are compatible with carrying out tests within our turn-key isolator, which can be negatively pressurised and ensure containment levels spanning from occupational exposure band (OEB) 1 to OEB 5.

Our staff also analyses your products, from millimetre to micron to nano, the particle size distributions. All analytical processes are completed by state of art equipment, including laser defraction. It is also possible to analyse the density, flowability, and other parameters of your product.

If for any reason your product cannot be delivered to our premises; we have a wide range of test products that will allow you to have an optimal comparison. In some cases, when your research and development staff are not able to come to our Technical Center, and only your product will do; we can arrange for our lab-scale equipment and process experts to come to you.

Factory acceptance testing

Our Technical Center laboratories are also fully adapted to carry out Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs), in person, or virtually, which during 2020 has gained considerable popularity due to current health concerns. It allows our customers and partners to have the possibility to come and check their machine before shipment to ensure it fully complies with the specifications.

At Frewitt, we care about your milling, your product, your productivity and your patients, and of course, you.

Your contact: Roy Housh, Director of Sales – Frewitt Group

For more information, visit our website.