
Nymi will be hosting a webinar called ‘How do we get back to work safely, securely, & simply?’ on 13 November at 3pm London/10am New York.

Leading up to the year 2000, the IT infrastructure of many companies was confronted with several challenges that required a tremendous amount of investment and future planning to move their businesses forward to the next year. Similarly, COVID-19 has brought us all to a particular moment in time where enterprises are required to strategically invest in future-proof technologies and solutions that can move their businesses forward into a post-pandemic world and beyond. The caveat is to find a solution that addresses pressing issues for both employer/employee; how can companies digitally transform their businesses with technology that increases security and productivity for the enterprise, while delivering privacy and user satisfaction for the workforce?

In this case study, we will review how two companies, a leading global medical technology business and a life sciences company were challenged with looking for a solution to bring their employees back to work with a standards-based wearable.

This session will address:

  • The new normal for a hybrid at home/in office workplace – Unique challenges and requirements with going back to work in the COVID era
  • How to evolve with a standards-based workplace wearable to enhance your organization’s long-term growth beyond the passwordless shop floor
  • Scalable technology investment (Similar Y2K investment) – How to build a business case to leverage a workplace wearable for your workforce and strategically plan for the challenges you can’t account for today
  • Practical recommendations for dealing with the doubled-edged employer/employee pain points associated with connecting the active worker (security & productivity/privacy & usability)
  • Sample uses cases for health & safety, efficiency, and security

Join us for an interactive discussion on how to navigate a pandemic-influenced landscape by future-proofing your business with smart technological investments that enable efficient manufacturing operations beyond today’s challenges.

For more information or to register, please click here.