
TrialScope’s strategic partnership with nonprofit organisation Vivli offers sponsors and researchers access to the most complete solution for disclosure and data sharing.

TrialScope’s software as a service (SaaS) based, centralised approach has met the disclosure and transparency needs of the clinical trial industry from large pharmaceutical companies (13 of the top 15) to smaller biotech firms for more than five years. By working with Vivli, the company can offer its customers the most comprehensive approach to disclosure and data sharing in the market.

The alliance draws on complementary strengths of each partner and will deliver an opportunity for industry and academic sponsors to address all their disclosure and transparency needs, such as:

  • Disclosure and data-sharing software and advisory services
  • Technology to help people find relevant, authoritative clinical trial information online
  • Plain-language summary authoring and hosting
  • End-to-end workflow support to manage data-sharing requests, including full data process preparation (collate, redact, anonymise, review and approve)
  • Access to an independent data-sharing review panel
  • The ability to host anonymised individual participant data (IPD)
  • The ability for sponsors to share their data in a secure research environment

TrialScope CEO Jeff Kozloff said: “There is a growing trend towards increased transparency within the clinical trial industry, not just to meet regulatory requirements, but as an ethical obligation to advance science and promote patient safety.

“We are honoured to work with Vivli as a partner to provide our customers with a seamless and efficient platform for all of their data-sharing needs. We appreciate the fact that Vivli is disease agnostic and can synthesize data from multiple repositories, which will greatly reduce duplication of clinical trials, putting fewer patients through studies unnecessarily.”

Vivli launched in July 2018 and is already receiving enthusiastic industry support and demand for its platform, which now hosts more than 3,200 trials conducted in 100 different countries from 16 members.

Executive director of Vivli Rebecca Li said: “We are delighted to partner with TrialScope, which is recognized as the leader in clinical trial disclosure.

“Together, we offer an end-to-end solution. There is simply no complete solution for researchers and sponsors alike, who want to spend less time searching for previous data, and more time on advancing science.”

About Vivli

Vivli is a nonprofit organisation managing a global data-sharing and analytics platform to serve all elements of the international research community. The organisation acts as a neutral broker between data contributor and data user and the wider data-sharing community.

The ultimate aim of Vivli is to advance human health from the insights and discoveries gained by sharing and analysing clinical research data.