
If you are like many others in our field, picking your IRT settings and hoping things work out for the best, you are unknowingly playing what is called IRT Roulette!

Why leave to chance your drug supply logic? Finally, there is a means to test what you plan to implement in an IRT system before yours goes live.

Contained within the Innovative Supply Solutions Platform are the key drug supply settings you will implement in an IRT system. You choose from various options and can simulate the impact of different initial shipment quantities, threshold minimum and maximum levels, predictive look-ahead supply and shipping windows, and do-not-count, do-not-ship and do-not-dispose dates.

Why leave such critical settings to chance when you can accurately test them well in advance of the go-live date for your IRT system?

ISS recognises the importance of being able to simulate how your supply chain will be managed prior to going live. This enables better controls and optimisation of drug supply utilisation, shipping frequency, and reduced risk to your study. Using our platform, you can predict changes in supply demands as the study progresses and proactively be ready to adapt key supply logic.

If you happen to have expensive products, are working with controlled drug 222 processes, or desire optimal supply utilisation then this approach is a must. Not only is this activity a critical pre-study, but once the study is live, the ISS Platform enables you to quickly quantify the impact of any changes to supply logic before you implement them! This safeguards and enhances decision making, ensuring that a change will not have a negative impact.

I’m sure this sounds great, but how much time will it take to change the system to get the data? We designed the ISS platform knowing this data is critical and will likely need to be evaluated and re-evaluated many times over the course of a study. The ISS Platform enables changes to product demand, timing, and costs all in mere minutes!

Innovative Supply Solutions has created a powerful, accurate software platform, which is revolutionising clinical supply chain management. This breakthrough in supply chain management maintains ease-of-use, intuitive visual reports, and high levels of accuracy to deliver an end-to-end solution, which finally addresses the needs of clinical supply chain management

Our platform consists of a targeted ERP, sized just right for R&D efforts. Demand simulation allows for fast and accurate scenario planning. Also included are supply actualisation using real-time integrated data and highly visual reports tracking actuals vs forcast. Our integrated end-to-end approach greatly simplifies the clinical trial supply process and has been proven to handle trials of all complexity.

So if you’re wondering "how do I get to see this risk-free on my schedule with no commitment pressure or hassle?" Just give us a call or email and we will take care of you. Stop playing IRT Roulette, your loved ones will thank you.