
We are sorry that you were not able to attend the webinar titled: Pfizer CentreOne – Coating: Curing Your Complex Oral Solid Dose (OSD) Challenges.

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Pfizer CentreOne is pleased to invite you to its Webinar ‘Coating: Curing Your Complex Oral Solid Dose (OSD) Challenges’ on May 12th at 3pm London/10am New York.

The Webinar will be hosted by Kieran Coffey and Amy Trotch. Kieran Coffey leads the Technology Innovation Centre at Pfizer Newbridge which is small-scale manufacturing and development facility, while Amy Trotch is Sr Business Development Manager at Pfizer CentreOne, responsible for working with third-party biopharmas in the US Amy. She is an experienced biopharma/biotechnology professional with over 12 years in research, business development, sales and account management, strategic marketing, and public relations in all major marketplaces, including academic, government, and commercial.

Coating technologies have been a mainstay in oral solid dose (OSD) drug development for many decades and deployed successfully in hundreds of drug products for multiple therapeutic areas. With increasingly complex compounds emerging from the discovery pipeline and a broader range of dosage demands in today’s oral solid dose (OSD) market, coatings must be deployed more innovatively and expertly than ever before to overcome challenges.

Certain oral solid dose (OSD) products such as those that require a low dose, flexible-dose, low potency or a novel shape are viewed as highly problematic for coating strategies due to control issues or difficulties at commercial scale-up.

Pfizer CentreOne’s oral solid dose (OSD) experts discuss how advances in the mathematics and engineering involved in understanding the process can tackle these challenges and ensure functional coating and drug layering continue to be a viable solution for the next generation of oral solid dose (OSD) drug products.