
MediSapiens has been listed on 20 Most Promising Biotech Technology Solution Providers list by CIOReview.

In a deliberate session with the honorary industrial experts, CIOReview awarded MediSapiens the position to be published in the 2016 Biotechnology Special Magazine based on an evaluation of MediSapiens’ specialties in pharmaceutical research and translational genomics.

MediSapiens’ main aim is to drive medicine, health, and research forward by digitisation. The company develops cutting-edge tools that provide its customers with a way to quickly analyse and visualise vast amounts of genomic, biomedical, and clinical data, turning it into knowledge that fuels innovation.

Managing editor of CIOReview Jeevan George says: "CIOReview’s 20 Most Promising Biotech Technology Solution Providers list is a validation from the CIO community in the recognised brand as a Trusted Partner. By being voted by CIOs, MediSapiens has proven its expertise in Biotech Technology placing it amongst the top percentile of enterprise ICT vendors in the US".

CEO of MediSapiens Sami Kilpinen says: "We’re honored to receive this recognition.

"For us, it serves as a valuable demonstration of the success we have reached together with our customers. Our long-lasting commitment towards improving health, bio-business and life science research through digital solutions will continue to drive our growth and customer satisfaction."