
Pharmatrans Sanaq has announced its sixth Scientific and Technical Forum, dedicated to trends in formulation design. The forum takes place on 19-20 February 2009 in Basel, Switzerland.

The first day event is composed of the following lecturers:

Ajaz S. Hussain, vice president, biological systems at Philip Morris International, Switzerland.

“Quality by design – role of excipients”

David F. Bain, market development manager, modified release technologies, Colorcon, United Kingdom.

“Incorporating quality by design principles to hydrophilic matrix formulation development”

Manfred Eggersdorfer, senior vice president of research and development at DSM Nutritional Products, Switzerland.

“Parallels and differencies in formulation design”

Sven Stegemann, director of pharmaceutical business development at Capsugel, Belgium.

“Formulation throughout commercial development: looking for the right dose and dosage form”

Peter Kleinebudde, professor at the Institute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Heinrich Heine University, Germany.

“Disintegrating pellets by extrusion / spheronisation”

Peter Kraahs, head reseach and development at Losan GmbH, Germany.

“Optimisation of bioavailability by dosage form design”

Jürgen Werani PhD, managing director at Schuh & Co Complexity Management Inc., Switzerland.

“Meeting six sigma with lean”

  • Satellite: Maxim Puchkov, CEO at CINCAP GmbH, Switzerland
  • “Video presentation of computer-aided solid dosage form development tools – F-CAD tablet designer, F-CAD-powered formulation development”