
BTL is pleased to co-host this free half-day event, highlighting some of the key technological advances in freeze drying.

This meeting will showcase presentations highlighting the latest developments from academia and industry perspectives on the new frontiers of freeze drying and the potential application in formulation and process development.

The seminars focus on the advances of analytical technologies such as freeze-drying microscopy, frequency modulated spectroscopy and controlled ice nucleation and their application developing new freeze drying practices and products.

The event is being held at the Babraham Institute, a BBSRC-funded campus in Cambridge, UK, with world-class life science research facilities.

  • Location: Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, UK
  • Date: 10.30am-2.15pm, 11 May
  • Price: free to attend

Contact BTL for more information.

About the lecturers

Dr Kevin Ward is research and development director at BTL. After a PhD studying the freeze-drying of pharmaceutical formulations and drug/vaccine delivery systems, Kevin then worked at Pfizer Central Research in Sandwich, UK, and as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in vaccine development at Aston University before joining BTL.

Prof Ruth Cameron was appointed reader at the Department of Materials Science at Cambridge University in 2004, after serving as lecturer since 1993. After studies in Natural Sciences, Physics and Theoretical Physics, Prof Cameron undertook a PhD where her research focused on the structure of starch.

Isobel Cook is principal scientist at BTL and is responsible for internal and joint research projects in freeze drying technology. These projects involve cycle development, formulation development and product development. Isobel has experience in a wide range of materials, including mammalian material, collagen scaffolds, diagnostics, probiotics and pharmaceutical formulations.

Dr Margit Gieseler received her doctorate at the chair of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Würzburg. Afterward she joined Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma’s Department of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. Since 2010, Dr Gieseler has worked as managing director at Gilyos, a research-oriented contract service provider for industry in the field of pharmaceutical freeze-drying.