
Lyophilisation, or freeze drying, is an important process in many areas of research and production with applications in areas such as vaccines, diagnostics, regenerative medicine, functional foods, materials science and medical devices. For high-value products such as these it is vital to have a thorough understanding of both theory and practice to avoid expensive delays and waste.

BTL’s training courses in freeze drying technology are an ideal way to train newcomers to this field, or to build a greater depth of understanding for existing practitioners.

Although our course material is constantly updated, recent industry changes called for a more substantial redesign. As well as more in-depth sections on PAT and techniques of formulation characterisation and design, the course structure now allows for greater flexibility and interaction with the lecturers, enabling delegates to draw on the lecturers’ experience to help solve their own processing difficulties. Other sections focus on the different sections of a freeze dryer, cycle development and scale-up, and specific issues relating to freeze drying proteins and biological materials. Two workshops provide opportunities for delegates to practice analysis and problem-solving with real-life examples and products.

BTL has been dedicated to freeze drying since 1997 and has trained hundreds of people worldwide in regular and site-specific sessions. The courses are a unique combination of theory and practical knowledge to ensure that what we teach is directly useful in a laboratory or production environment. All our lecturers are currently practising in freeze drying with a wealth of first-hand experience of the real issues and difficulties that can arise.

The first of our new-format courses runs 19-21 September 2011 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a second being held in San Francisco, US, in October, and more being scheduled for 2012. For more information and online registration visit BTL’s website.