
It is a well-known standard practice that the vaccine cold chain must be preserved unbroken from the manufacturer through to local storage prior to administration.

The time taken up within a practice for maintaining thorough temperature records manually can be costly. There’s also the risk that an unnoticed breakdown of a fridge or cold store will render valuable stock unusable. But EasyLog WiFi vaccine loggers are specifically designed to simplify and improve your vaccine monitoring procedures.

Easy Installation

The data loggers connect to your existing WiFi network and automatically send temperature records to the EasyLog Cloud, making your data accessible via PC, tablet or mobile. Battery-powered, with mains power optional, you won’t need extra sockets to install them. Easily set up via PC software or the EasyLog Cloud mobile app.

Increased Reliability from Automatic Logging and Remote Monitoring

The loggers will continually take readings for you 24-7, at the time intervals you set. This gives you a comprehensive set of records, and unlike humans, the loggers won’t forget to take a reading. The system provides you with a remote monitoring facility, making it easy for one person to check fridge conditions across multiple locations.

Real-Time Alerts So You Can Respond Quickly

Once a temperature alarm is triggered, the system will immediately alert you via e-mail. An alarm status will also be shown in your EasyLog Cloud control panel. This means that you can respond more quickly to any adverse events and prevent costly vaccine stock going to waste. Alert e-mails can be sent to multiple recipients, giving you increased responder coverage and greater reliability. There is also an e-mail escalation facility if alarms have not been responded to initially.

Better Data from Emergency Situations to Prevent Disposals

Fridge doors can be left open, fridge faults develop and power cuts sometimes happen. All of these can threaten your vaccine stock. With EasyLog vaccine monitors, not only can you respond sooner, but you have the data to assess these situations better. The buffered temperature probe used by the monitors mimics the actual temperature of vaccines in the fridge, giving you a realistic view of the temperatures the vaccines have been exposed to. As the loggers have integral batteries, they will keep logging through a power outage, storing their readings locally until they can communicate with the Cloud again. This means you have the critical temperature data to decide whether your vaccines can be kept, potentially saving costly disposal.

Provides Accountability from Audit Records

The system provides detailed audit records, including who changed system settings or responded to alarms and allows each user to be allocated specific levels of access and responsibility. All data, from individual loggers right through to the Cloud, is transferred securely, and once on the Cloud is held safely at an accredited data centre.

Detailed Records for Audit Compliance

With EasyLog Cloud, your data is now created and archived automatically, with no manual input required. The system also allows you to generate graphs and reports, and print or export your results. This makes providing evidence for audit requirements much easier.

High Accuracy Recording

EasyLog data loggers meet or exceed Green Book accuracy requirements for temperature records, and come ready-calibrated at 2 and 8°C. A yearly recalibration service is also available to ensure your loggers are always accurate.

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