
Cosmetics, paints, inks, paper, drug delivery, personal care, food or intra-lipid emulsions are made up of multi component chemistries.

Most products go through a stage where different phases co-exist such as emulsions, suspensions or dispersions and as such require a specific amount of stability in order to meet expected performance criteria.

Performance requirements may include ease of spreading for a paint in order to produce a thin even film on the substrate, or limited spreading in the case of inks used in high-resolution printing where good dot resolution is required. For lipsticks and sunscreens, even-film coverage is an important performance metric and requires the dispersed components to remain discrete and not to aggregate during application. Cough syrups, drug suspensions or food dispersions must maintain stability when stored on the shelf to prevent settling or creaming.

An important predictor of dispersion stability is the zeta potential which is a measure of the degree of electrostatic repulsion or attraction in a colloidal system and can determine whether a mixture of specific chemistries are compatible with each other or not. Zeta potential measurements provide information about the surface / interfacial chemistry of individual components in formulated products and how those chemical components interact when mixed together.

In this webinar, Dr Ana Morfesis will give an overview of zeta potential and its measurement and explain how this important parameter can be used in product development to enhance product stability and performance.

Learn what zeta potential is, how it can be measured and why it is an important tool for predicting the stability of formulations with multi component chemistries and enhancing their performance.

The webinar will be taking place on 8 September at 10:30AM EDT.

For more information, please contact Malvern.