Dr Alan Rawle

Malvern Instruments applications manager Dr Alan Rawle will give a plenary lecture at the Particulate Systems Analysis (PSA) 2014 conference and exhibition, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Particle Characterisation Group.

The event, which takes place between 15 and 17 September at the Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, this year incorporates the UK Particle Technology Forum and Fine Bubble Symposium. The title of Dr Rawle’s lecture is ‘TLAs and the 4Qs in relation to elucidation of particle sizing issues’, where TLA stands for three-letter acronyms.

Dr Alan Rawle said: "The prime objective is entertainment with an educational experience as a sideline.

"I’ve used TLAs over the years as an aide memoire in particle size analysis. For instance, I’ll be introducing important particle size concepts, such as when one would want to use a particle counter – concentration, contamination, cleanliness, the 3Cs – as opposed to a particle size analyser. Another example is nanotechnology particle properties, which can be thought through with the 4Ss – size, shape, surface and solubility."

Dr Rawle is an expert in many areas of particle characterisation and is the recent recipient of a Distinguished Service Award presented by the chairman of the ASTM Committee E56 on Nanotechnology in recognition of his contribution to the committee’s success and its development of a range of ASTM standards, as well as his continued mentoring and guidance of others.

In addition to Dr Rawle’s lecture, other members of the Malvern team will be making presentations as part of the conference sessions. On Monday 15 September applications specialist Luke Green will discuss ‘Morphological analysis of particle suspensions with automated imaging’ and on Wednesday 17 September application development scientist Cathryn Langley will present ‘Particle Characterisation in Forensic Analysis’. On Tuesday 16 September ‘Developments in Characterisation of Suspensions by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)’ will be the topic of a presentation given by Bob Carr, founder of NanoSight, which is now part of Malvern Instruments.

Malvern’s technology is also represented in the Fine Bubble Symposium with a Malvern NanoSight NTA system presented on the FBIA (Fine Bubble Industries Association) booth.

To find out more please contact Malvern Instruments.