Below is our company response regarding the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic.

These are uncertain times for all of us and the market in specific due to Covid-19. We at Sigachi want to assure you that we have taken all measures to guarantee the supply of our trusted excipient grades to your company and to the market. Sigachi is continuously looking for ways to support you and your business amidst current challenges.

We would like to inform you of the recent developments, and how Sigachi is doing its bit to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 outbreak in our communities. With regard to the business impact, we would like to share the following market developments and our status: Production: Sigachi’s continuity of excipient production in our 3 plants situated in Hyderabad, Dahej and Jhagadia has not been affected by Covid-19 since the government of India circular classified pharmaceuticals in essential services.

Sigachi is producing all excipient grades on time in full capacity meeting high-quality parameters. Supply: We would like to assure you, that Sigachi is there to support customers and distributors in the best way possible to safeguard business continuity. Apart from our own distribution network, Sigachi also has the possibility to supply you by different means of transport like bulk, truck/trailer, train and/or air deliveries.

Community Support: Apart from contributing to PM CARES FUND(‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund’) and the CM RELIEF FUNDS of places, where our operations happen, we have distributed food kits to citizens who have lost jobs(this would support 4000 meals), distributed masks & sanitisers that would assist 10000 families and produced 200 ltr of sanitisers in-house to support local governing authorities.

For more information, please fill out the enquiry form attached to this page.