
Seamless visibility from the place of manufacture to the final destination must be the new norm for vaccine distribution. The placement of intelligence in goods moving in the global supply chain is delivering new value to a growing number of companies that are early adopters of logistics IoT solutions. Having the availability of aviation compliant devices delivers real-time visibility in the complex air cargo eco-system. OnAsset’s customers range from companies that deploy assets vital to the air cargo industry around the world where immediate status and location – drive productivity, to companies moving critical clinical trial and life sciences products where the condition is of paramount importance to efficacy and patient safety. There is escalating attention in this sector with the significant trials process of CV19 vaccine that is underway and the enormous challenges in the protection and distribution that will be required as they come to production. Real-time compliant visibility delivers the assurances required for security and quality and powers proactive management of the complete distribution cycle.

OnAsset has demonstrated true industrial scale visibility of its Sentinel Bluetooth Low Energy devices with 12,000 being read in less than 60 seconds. This combined with reading ranges up to 400m enables highly cost-effective tracking and monitoring solutions. SENTRY readers, with worldwide cellular connectivity, facilitate a seamless link to the Cloud where data and devices are efficiently managed. Data access is further enabled with APIs for enterprise-level integration. Edge capability for customers using phones and tablets is delivered with the OAInsight Android and iOS APP. Using the APP, a user can see and relay data for any Sentinel in their immediate area. The user has access to all associated current and historic sensor data.

The flexibility of this IoT portfolio gives many deployment options. For critical real-time all the time – visibility is enabled with the cellular SENTRY and BLE Sentinel in each piece. This parent and child method puts intelligence in each piece with the Sentinel data aggregated and relayed by SENTRY. At the Edge, SENTRY warns about separation from any Sentinel, and also any sensor-based issues at the piece level. At the Cloud level, the data is always accessible to users with a comprehensive range of map and sensor-based dashboards and alerts. Integration is powered through APIs with customer enterprise ERP and data analysis systems. Hybrid versions for visibility can leverage OnAsset’s growing network of SENTRY readers that detect and report Sentinels as they pass. Users are able to augment the network with their own readers added to facilities, vehicles and even aircraft.

Adam Crossno, OnAsset Intelligence CEO said: “OnAsset is delivering a major step in digital supply chain evolution. We know the market likes choices, and we cater to them with flexible and scalable cellular and Bluetooth IoT solutions. We are enthusiastic about enabling this vision for the world’s largest interoperable Bluetooth® network. Innovation like this is challenging, especially in the aviation industry, subsequently, we have broken new ground in the enablement of industrial-scale deployments and the visibility of Bluetooth tags. We are using all our expertise and experience to deliver IoT industrialisation. We see it as an important step in enabling CognitiveLogistics™”.