
HygroGen2 is a portable humidity and temperature generator.

HygroGen2 is a portable humidity and temperature generator, which calibrates humidity and temperature measuring instruments.

HG2-S works like a mobile calibration laboratory and is intended for companies that regularly need to calibrate a large number of probes.

The calibrator allows simple, flexible calibration and units can be integrated into the operative processes.

Features of HG2-S include:

  • The generation of a stable reference environment with a range of applications of up to 60°C with accuracy of ±0.05K
  • Reaching equilibrium humidity in five minutes
  • Calibration of up to five probes simultaneously
  • Easy-to-use touchscreen monitor
  • DVI interface for external monitor
  • USB interface for connection of keyboard, mouse and ROTRONIC USB probes
  • Integrated HW4 software for easy calibration and adjustment of probes
  • External heated connections for a dew point mirror reference, allowing users to adjust reference probes with high precision or reduce the total calibration uncertainty
  • The water quality is kept at a high level by a UV steriliser, preventing formation of algae and bacteria

Optional features include AutoCal, which enables automated calibration of up to six HC2 probes connected via an AC3001 USB adaptor.

In addition, there is the option to automatically adjust one temperature and ten humidity points, create a PDF calibration certificate for each probe under test and 20 user programs.