In life sciences production, numerous different machines and types of equipment are used in the production process.

For all of these devices, parameters (recipes) need to be set every time a new medicine or batch is produced.

Today, recipe management can be a time-consuming process that requires many manual actions from different stakeholders and a large amount of paper-based documentation. That can result in low process efficiency and a high potential for mistakes and makes it harder to achieve regulatory (GMP) compliance.

The recipe management process exposes life sciences companies to many challenges and risks:

  • Risk of inconsistent recipe parameter values on different reports and violation of data integrity principles
  • Repetitive and time-consuming recipe handling for machines and equipment
  • Excessive FTEs allocated to process due to additional check of manual actions
  • The immense risk for (human) errors and production deviations
  • A threat to product quality and medicine safety due to manual data entry errors
  • Paper-based and time-consuming recipe life cycle management (changes, approvals, versioning, etc)
  • More complex documentation, qualifications and validations due to dispersed GMP data storages
  • Limited data storage for recipes on machines, staff needs to be additionally trained to handle it (perform manual backups)
  • Limited access to the data with low potential for analyses and improvements

To overcome these challenges and risks, recipe management has to be digitalised and centralised.

The solution is advanced recipe management software for the life sciences industry MePIS RM.

For more information, please fill out the enquiry form attached to this page.