Read this press release to find out how Alconox recommends to its customers the ideal way to manually clean CPAP masks.

Q. What do you recommend for cleaning of CPAP masks manually?

A. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) masks have become very widely used at home medical device. Many companies specialize in cleaning and reprocessing these masks.

We would recommend Tergazyme® Enzyme-Active Powdered Detergent. It is an anionic, widely available and potent emulsifier of organic and oily residue, along with protease enzymes for removal of persistent bioresidues.

Use a warm (< 130F/55C) bath with a 1-2% solution for 10-20 minutes. This ensures the enzymes are not degraded or reduce activity which occurs at elevated temperatures. Please also use within 8 hours of formulation to ensure avoidance of enzyme autocatalysis. After all, protein enzymes are made of protein. Thorough rinsing ensures a residue-free surface. To request these or any Alconox, Inc detergents for free, please complete the questionnaire at Get Sample. For more information about any one of our Alconox, Inc. detergents, consult the technical bulletin for each product. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Safety Data Sheets. Do you have a critical cleaning question for the experts at Alconox, Inc? Search TechNotes to see if it’s been answered before or Ask Alconox. Contact us any time by filling out the enquiry form attached to this page.