While the global pharmaceutical markets have typically been dominated by US, Europe and Japan, emerging markets have been steadily increasing their prominence in the global space over the past decade. With special focus on “BRICS” markets (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Korea) we analyzed the activity of research and development (R&D) spend over the past 6 years and the amount of products they have in development.

China has shown an impressive 27% growth R&D spend over this period, they too have the highest number of products in development with just over 620 products in the pipeline, of which monoclonal antibodies and small molecules together account for more than half. Second with 14% growth South Korea have an impressive 610 products in their pipeline, more than half of which being small molecules. India is the only other BRICS market to show positive growth over this period with a pipeline of 430 products, while again there is a large focus on small molecules, interestingly, their secondary focus is on biosimilar development, specifically that of recombinant proteins. Russia and Brazil both show no growth in R&D spend in this 6 year period.